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shell property

Sometimes we need to access the shell object outside of react-components and control the shell from anywhere in our project. We can easily do this by passing the shell object to the Shell Provider via the shell property․


Let's create a Count shell, which stores the count state and has an increment() method to add the count by one.

import { Shell } from 'react-component-shell'

class Count extends Shell {
state = {count: 0}

increment() {
this.updateState(state => {
return {count: state.count + 1}

export {Count}

Now let's use the createShellProvider() function to create a react-context provider and access hooks for the Count shell.

import { createShellProvider } from 'react-component-shell'

const [
] = createShellProvider()

export {CountProvider, useCount, useCountState}

As we noticed, we didn't pass any arguments to the createShellProvider() function.

Now let's use <CountProvider> with shell property.

import {CountProvider, useCount, useCountState} from './count-context.js'
import {Count} from './count.js'

const countShell = new Count()
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

const App = (props) => {
return (
<CountProvider shell={countShell}>
<CurrentCount />

const CurrentCount = () => {
const count = useCountState(state => state.count)

return <div>{count}</div>

export default App

In the example above, we created a countShell object and passed it to the <CountProvider> via the shell property. Outside of the <App> component, we declared setInterval() which increments the count every second.