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createShellProvider is a function with the help of which we can create a react-context provider and hooks for a certain shell type.


import { createShellProvider } from 'react-component-shell'

Basic Usage

Let's create a Count class, which stores the count state and has an increment() method to add the count by one. The Count class inherits from the Shell class, which provides additional methods for state management. For example, the updateState() method, with the help of which we update the state of the Count class. For more details about the Shell base class, please see them here

import { Shell } from 'react-component-shell'

class Count extends Shell {
state = {count: 0}

increment() {
this.updateState(state => {
return {count: state.count + 1}

export {Count}

Now let's use the createShellProvider() function to create a react-context provider and access hooks for the Count shell.

import { createShellProvider } from 'react-component-shell'
import { Count } from './count.js'

const [
] = createShellProvider({ shellClass: Count })

export {CountProvider, useCount, useCountState}

The createShellProvider() function returns an array with three values. The first value is a provider component, the second value is a react hook that returns a shell object, and the last value is a react hook that return a state value by a selector.

In our example, we created the CountProvider provider and useCount, useCountState hooks.

Now let's use them in react app.

import {CountProvider, useCount, useCountState} from './count-context.js'

const App = (props) => {
return (
<CurrentCount />
<IncrementButton />

const CurrentCount = () => {
const count = useCountState(state => state.count)

return <div>{count}</div>

const IncrementButton = (props) => {
const countShell = useCount()

const increment = () => {

return <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

export default App

In the example above, we can apply the useCount() or useCountState() hooks to any component inside the <CountProvider>.

useCount() returns a game object, and we can call its method increment() or read and write its properties.

useCountState(selector) returns the value of the state of the countShell, which is indicated by the selector function, and every time the change of the specified value in the state will result in the re-rendering of the given component.



  • options ? <Object>

    • shellClass ? <Class>
      Any JavaScript class that inherits from the Shell class.


      import { Shell, createShellProvider } from 'react-component-shell'

      class Count extends Shell {
      state = {count: 0}

      const [CountProvider, useCount, useCountState] = createShellProvider({
      shellClass: Count


      class DEFAULT_SHELL extends Shell {}

    • customProviderWrapper ? <ReactComponent>
      Any react component that overrides the shell provider component, and with the use of that, we can customize the shell provider component to our requirements.


      import { Shell, createShellProvider } from 'react-component-shell'

      class Count extends Shell {
      state = {count: 0}
      const CustomProvider = (props) => {
      const {children, shell} = props
      return (

      const [CountProvider, useCount, useCountState] = createShellProvider({
      shellClass: Count,
      customProviderWrapper: CustomProvider


      const DEFAULT_PROVIDER_WRAPPER = (props) => {
      const {children, shell} = props
      return children

      For more details about the customProviderWrapper, please see them here