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Every time when we create a context provider using createShellProvider() function. Its default creates a component wrapper that just returns the children's components.

const DEFAULT_PROVIDER_WRAPPER = (props) => {
const {children, shell} = props
return children

In most cases, this is what we want, but we may want to define our custom wrapper according to our requirements. To do this, we need to use the customProviderWrapper option when creating a provider.


createShellProvider({ customProviderWrapper: CustomProvider })

  • customProviderWrapper ? <ReactComponent>
    Any react component that overrides the shell provider component, and with the use of that, we can customize the shell provider component to our requirements.


import { Shell, createShellProvider } from 'react-component-shell'

class Count extends Shell {
state = {count: 0}

const CustomProvider = (props) => {
const {children, shell} = props
return (

const [CountProvider, useCount, useCountState] = createShellProvider({
shellClass: Count,
customProviderWrapper: CustomProvider